How to create a payments case study

User case studies are a great way to drive awareness and adoption of your new embedded payments offering. The following case study structure will help you craft impactful user stories.

Note: This is a basic outline. Customize the content, design, and format according to your platform’s specific needs and branding. 

Case study objective

Case studies showcase the success one of your users has experienced with your platform's embedded payment solution. Set a clear objective for the benefit or proof point you want to highlight to drive awareness and adoption of your payment solution.

Target audience

Focus on new or existing users you want to switch to using your in-house payment solution.

Case study structure

Title: [User name x Platform payment solution name] 

Subtitle: [Call out the key takeaway]


Briefly introduce your platform and your in-house payment solution.

Highlight the importance of a reliable and efficient payment system for businesses.

User background:

Give an overview of the platform user’s business.

Include relevant details like industry, size, and location.

Mention any challenges or pain points they faced with their previous payment solution.

The problem:

Describe the specific payment-related challenges the user encountered.

Explain how these challenges impacted their business operations, growth, and customer satisfaction.

Your solution:

Introduce your in-house payment solution and its key features.

Explain how your solution addresses the user's challenges.

Emphasize the benefits and advantages your solution provides over other payment solutions in the market.

Implementation process:

Describe the steps of integrating your payment solution into the user’s business. 

Highlight any customization or integration efforts required.

Include any technical details that you think are relevant. 

Impact and reasons to believe:

Include measurable results that demonstrate the success of your payment solution.

Showcase the positive impact on the user's business operations, revenue, customer satisfaction, and growth.

Include testimonials or quotes from users that show their satisfaction and success.


Summarize the benefits and success your user has had thanks to your in-house payment solution.

Reiterate the importance of adopting your solution for other users.

Include a call to action encouraging potential users to explore the payment solution further.

Suggested interview questions

How would you describe your business or your brand?

How does our platform help you deliver better customer experiences?

What role do payments play in your relationship with your customers?

When and why did you decide to start using our integrated payments?

What did your payments setup look like before you switched to our solution?

How has working with our payment solution impacted your customer experience?

How has working with our platform payment solution impacted your business operations?

How has our platform supported you with the payment solution change?