The rise of embedded payments

Accepting payments in store has historically been expensive and tedious for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Even up until a few years ago, SMBs were assembling solutions from multiple payment providers or relying on third-party system integrators. The payment process itself involved multiple referrals and interactions, often resulting in a lot of failed transactions and frustrated users. 

Enter embedded finance: a solution wherein SaaS platforms integrate a variety of financial services into their offering and deliver them directly to their SMB users via their everyday workflow. It’s a natural next step for the platform-user relationship.

SaaS platforms are uniquely positioned to solve these challenges

SaaS platforms play an important role in their users’ operations, and SMBs are increasingly interested in using platforms for more than business as usual. SMBs want a centralized solution that streamlines and optimizes all their day-to-day processes. 

Embedded payments are becoming a major selling point for SaaS platforms. By integrating payments into your offering, you gain full control over a key feature that SMBs on your platform really need. 

SMBs are more than ready to use embedded payments. From research we conducted with Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 69% of SMBs say they’d change their payment processor if the solution were more integrated into their business process. And a further 74% of SMBs state that they’re interested in payment processing services embedded in a platform. 

The user benefits are pretty straightforward. Rather than spending precious time choosing payment providers, connecting payments to their business platform, and dealing with multiple support teams, they can set up payments with just one click.

Why your embedded payments proposition is stronger with Adyen

As more SMBs look to offer embedded payments, the competition among SaaS platforms increases. Platforms need a unique offering to stand out so they can attract new users, retain existing ones, and boost revenue. 

By integrating with Adyen, you improve your proposition by accessing the latest enterprise-grade payments technology and functionalities. Adyen’s solution is built entirely in-house with no third-party dependencies. You and your users benefit from streamlined operations, unmatched customization options, and industry-leading payments performance. 

Once you reach maturity with your embedded payments offering, we can support a range of embedded financial products. Capital, Business Accounts, and Card Issuing can be easily integrated to drive your future revenue growth.Â