Can I save a shopper's payment details using zero auth payments?

It's possible to save your shopper's payment details by specifying the amount value to zero. Note that not all local payment methods support zero amount authorisations.

The following frequently used payment methods and their support for zero auth payments are shown in the below table:

Payment methods

Support for zero auth payments






More information about tokenizing payment details can be found in our docs but below is an example for a card payment: 

curl \

-H "X-API-key: YOUR_API_KEY" \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-d '{


      "Value":0, // You can specify the value, for cards, this can be zero. 









      "holderName":"John Smith"


   "reference":"Tokenize_123", // Choose your reference

   "shopperInteraction": "Ecommerce",

   "recurringProcessingModel": "CardOnFile",

   "storePaymentMethod": "true",

   "merchantAccount":"Adyen_Tech_Support", // This should be your merchant account 

   "shopperReference":"Shopper_123", // This is defined by you




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