How do I manually defend a chargeback in the Customer Area?

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  • Merchant Dispute Management

All incoming disputes are booked in the Customer Area, under Risk > Disputes.

There are three tabs in the Disputes section, consisting of the three main stages of a dispute: Notifications of Fraud, Requests for Information, and Chargebacks.

In the Chargeback tab, you can find the latest Chargebacks waiting for you to take action. You can view disputes and their payment details such as the payment method, reason code, amount disputed, as well as the number of days you have left to respond.

You can click on a row to review the chargeback and check the issuer comments, if there are any. On the top right corner of the dispute page, you will see the 'handle chargeback' button. This part can guide you by offering defense response options. Choose the one that suits the case best, and submit your defense documents which you have prepared in line with the defense requirements outlined here.

Once the defense document has been submitted, the defense process is finalized.


Defending a POS chargeback that is not open for defense

If you have received a chargeback on a POS transaction that you cannot defend in the Adyen Customer Area, it is most likely due to a fraudulent reason code.

Please also check whether the POS entry mode is manual. In that case, it is difficult to challenge the chargeback because it is a risky method of processing the transaction, as the cardholder is not verified through chip and pin or magnetic stripe and pin. It immediately makes you liable for the chargeback and we recommend to offer it only for exclusive shoppers that you have verified thoroughly and who have a longstanding purchase history.

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