How to configure a risk profile?
A risk profile is a set of scoring rules that allows you to enact your fraud strategy, fighting fraudsters and protecting your real clients.
Bear in mind, before setting your Risk Profile, that you can either set it to company level or individually on a merchant account.
Only one risk profile can be set up per merchant account
To set up a risk profile, we start by logging into the customer area, then click risk and risk profile
Here, you will have to choose a risk profile from those listed
Under risk checks, you have 5 categories of scoring rules: custom rules; block and trust lists (also called referrals); standard rules and external rules.
To adjust a rule, click on the given rule.
Here you can change the threshold of the transaction; the timeframe of the rule; the risk score it triggers, or alternatively you can send it to case management.
Every transaction will be checked against these rules, and will obtain a total score.
Any transaction above 100 points will be automatically rejected.