How do I set up webhooks for my platform? (Classic Integration)
Do you have the right user role?
Please check whether you have the following user role:
Merchant admin
Merchant financial
Risk admin
Merchant dispute management
Merchant system messages role
Configure webhooks for platforms
Adyen for Platforms notifications can only be set up through the API. To do so, you must use your Platform: ws_[123456]@MarketPlace.[YourPlatformAccount] credentials.
Tip: Learn how to configure webhooks for platforms.
Troubleshoot webhooks
In most cases, the Adyen platform has sent the webhooks events correctly, however you might not see them for one of the following reasons:
- Not acknowledging webhooks within 10 seconds, which will cause webhook events to be queued.
- Not accepting webhooks with the expected response.
- Not having configured the expected webhook type.
Tip: If you’re still facing issues with webhooks please submit a ticket to our support team.
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