How can I monitor my specific payment method performance?

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Monitor payment method performance

You can monitor payment method performance with reports or insights.

When using reports, use the Monthly Finance report and go to the Payment Method Performance table in the Payment Method Breakdown tab. Here, for each payment method you’ll see the amount of payments that resulted in the following status: Received, Authorized, Refused, Error, Chargeback.

When using the Insights dashboards, in the Payment lifecycle section you’ll find various tabs displaying different kinds of information for this company/merchant account:

Authentication and drop-off
Shows a separate graph and table for Authentication performance containing the Conversion rate for each payment method. Two additional tables show a further breakdown of Exemptions and Retries.

Authorized and refused
Shows the overall authorization rate with a further breakdown for each payment method, as well as a Refusal breakdown to see the most prevalent refusal reasons.

Purchases and refunds
Shows the amount of authorized transactions and refunds for each payment method.

Chargebacks and NOFs
Shows the amount of chargebacks and notifications of fraud for each payment method.

Settlements and fees
Shows the settlement overview with a further breakdown of settlements and fees for each payment method.

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