Countering pricing objections

Because business owners often focus on transactional pricing, there will likely be price objections during the sales process. 

The strategies outlined below should help your commercial teams address their price-related concerns and effectively sell based on value.

Objection “too expensive”  

  • Strategy “sell value”  To justify any price difference compared to standalone providers, your software including embedded payments should offer added value. With Adyen’s payments technology, your users get access to the most innovative features in the payments space, such as Tap to Pay, faster settlements, faster payouts, and the availability of relevant Alternative Payment Methods (APMs). We recommend demonstrating the added value by showcasing real-life examples and testimonials of how embedded payments save time, cost, and most importantly drive additional revenue for them.

  • Strategy “Transparent pricing, no hidden fees”:  Educate customers about the pricing structure and how some providers price differently. Other providers often incorporate hidden fees, such as monthly terminal maintenance fees, support fees, varied fees based on card type or region, and additional settlement, chargeback, and PCI fees.

Objection “Tight Budget”

  • Strategy “Return on investment”:  Highlight the potential return on investment (ROI) or cost savings your user can expect over time with your unified higher-value offering. Users benefit from a single integration to your platform for all payments needs.