How to check my Account Holder's balance
This video explains how to check your account holders balance in the Customer Area.
How can I check my account holder’s balance?
Start by logging in to the customer area.
Select a merchant account in the account selector. Then, from the Platform menu, select Account Holders.
Use the search functionality to search for the account holders whose balances you want to check and navigate to their details page. You can search by account holder’s name, ID or reference.
Once you are on the account holder details page, select the Balance accounts tab. This will show you all the balance accounts that belong to the account holder, and some key information such as the available balance in the default currency and whether there are any automatic payouts or top-ups scheduled for the account. If you wish to see more in depth details, click on the balance account ID, this will take you to the balance account details page.
You can find information about the different types of balances that your account holds under the “Balance account” section. There are four different balances: Total amount, Available balance, reserved balance for outgoing funds and pending balance for incoming funds.
Total amount is the complete amount of balance in your account, which includes any pending or reserved funds.
The Available amount is the total amount that can be spent or paid out.
Reserved balance for outgoing funds includes payments that have been authorized but haven’t yet been captured. In other words, the payment request has not yet been sent to the issuing bank. It also includes capital repayments and chargebacks.
Pending balance for incoming funds includes all the transfers with a value date in the future. For example, if I processed my payments today but my settlement is configured as t+2, then my payments will be in pending balance until those 2 days have passed.
This is how you can check your account holder’s balance and find relevant information regarding your balances.