Incentives for your commercial teams

Your commercial teams capture market share in embedded payments. A strong incentive program will keep them motivated. Here are some ways platforms prioritize selling embedded payments. 

  1. Selling embedded payments as a core offering: Some of our top-performing platforms advise their commercial teams to position embedded payments as a core offering instead of an add-on, especially for new users.

  2. Tying a bonus or a commission to embedded payments: Commission plans offer variable income based on individual sales activity. Bonus plans offer set incentives tied to overall sales results, often with minimum sales targets. Platforms typically prefer commission structures to specifically motivate embedded payments sales. 

  3. Meeting baseline embedded payment quotas: Some SaaS platforms with a large offering want to ensure embedded payments are actively sold. These platforms tend to set up a baseline embedded payments quota for commercial teams to meet (i.e., $ x per month) that’s tied to their commission or bonus.

  4. Other tactics to incentivize commercial teams include: Active use of payments, meeting minimum payments usage per user per month, terminal usage, limiting user drop-offs, and shortening time to revenue per user.