What is settlement delay?

How settlement delay works

The settlement delay is the (possible) delay, or time it takes for a transaction to be Settled (from SentForSettle) or Refunded (from SentForRefund). These statuses are detailed in the payment lifecycle.


The settlement delay depends on the payment method used and can vary from 1 to 45 (calendar) days. Find below an indication of common payment methods and their expected settlement delays:

Credit Card

Depends on the issuer country/region. Typically up to 7 days.

Bank transfer

Up to 3 days.


Up to 4 days. Refunds up to 4 days.


Up to 5 days.


Up to 4 days. For Sofort: Up to 7 days.


Up to 30 days. It depends on the chosen bank.


Up to 45 days. 

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