Cosa sono le offerte e come possono causare il problema del pagamento "Pending" in Adobe Commerce? (Magento)

Abandoned offers

An abandoned offer can be created when a customer abandons the payment process during 3D authentication.

Find offers

  1. Log in to your Customer Area.
  2. Go to Transactions > Offers.


Close offers

Offers can block your inventory and create confusion in your order table. We can send an OFFER_CLOSED notification to close and cancel your abandoned offers in Magento. Here's how you can make those changes yourself:

  1. Log into Customer area LIVE or TEST and go to Developers > Webhooks:
  2. Under the WEBHOOK list, click on the Webhook ID you wish to amend so a panel on the right appears. 
  3. Click on the Pen icon to edit the webhook. Under Events make sure that event OFFER_CLOSED is enabled.
  4. Click Save configuration once you have finished.

For more information regarding non-default event codes please check out our Docs page.

Once enabled, this webhook will only apply to new offers, and you'll need to manually close older ones from the Adobe Commerce database.


  • The delay in receiving the OFFER_CLOSED webhook differs per payment method (e.g., 12 hours for card transactions).

We can adjust the period for the webhook but only for some payment methods (e.g., for bank transfers, it cannot be adjusted). 

Tip: We don’t recommend decreasing the period as it can cause unusual issues where Adobe Commerce won't allow us to reopen the closed orders.


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