How do I manage my invoice settings?

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Invoice settings

On the Invoice Settings page you can configure general settings (applicable to all invoice types) and invoice-specific settings (applicable to either one of the invoice types).

General settings

General settings apply to all invoice types on the company or merchant account. A part of the general settings are internal settings, which means that you can review but not change them in the Customer Area. The other (non-internal) settings can all be changed by the merchants in the Customer Area.

  1. Log in to your Live Customer Area.
  2. Go to Finance > Invoices > Invoice Settings.
  • Invoice currency: Select the invoice currency you want to receive your invoices in. We only offer 1 currency for all invoice types (processing invoice, terminal services invoices and terminal sale invoice)
  • Decimal Separator: Select Decimal (1,000.19) or Comma (1.000,19), this will be reflected on your invoice.
  • Receive invoices via email: Select Enabled if you want to receive your invoices via email at the end of the month. You can configure the email addresses separately for every invoice type.
  • Charged Merchant account: It’s the merchant account that will be charged to pay for company invoices.
  • Invoice address: This is the address stored in our legal database, if you want it changed please reach out to our support team. The information displayed on your invoice is the address saved from the KYC information which is supplied by the documentation you submitted during your onboarding process. If you wish to change the Invoice Address, you must submit new documentation. Once the documentation is submitted and our screening operations are finalized, the following invoice will display the newly updated information.
  • Attn (optional): the name the invoice will be addressed to.

Invoice Specific Settings

These settings apply only to either Processing Invoices, Terminal Services Invoices or Terminal Sales Invoices.

  • Type of invoice payment: You can view how you are paying your invoice.
  • Email address for invoices: If “Receive invoices via email” is enabled, we will use this email to send invoices to.
  • Reference Number: You can add your own combination of letters and numbers to invoices. Leave the field blank if you don’t need one.
    Note: you can only fill this in for Processing invoices and Terminal Service invoices. For Terminal Sale invoices you can add it when you order terminals.

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