Get notifications

Adyen sends you notifications that contain alerts and notices about your accounts, Adyen's systems, and more. In your Customer Area, you can configure how you receive notifications.

The Notification center in your Customer Area appears when you select the Notification center icon  on the top navigation bar.

How it works

A list of notifications for all the merchant accounts that your user account has access to appears in the Notification center. Each notification includes a link for more details or a link that goes directly to the page in your Customer Area that it is about.

When you have an unread notification, a red dot appears on the icon.

When you click on the notification, it gets marked as read. The next time you open the Notification center, it no longer appears in the list. You can select See all notifications to go to a page that includes all the notifications we have sent you.

If you want specific notifications to show up in the Notification center, you can choose them on the Notifications settings page.

Configure notification settings

You can choose which notifications you get.

  1. In your Customer Area, go to Notification center  > Settings.
  2. Under each section, for each type of notification, select the corresponding toggles to enable or disable it for Email or Notification center. When the Email toggle is enabled, email notifications are sent to the email address linked to your user. 

System messages

System messages give you important information about the status of Adyen's platform, for example scheduled maintenance or service downtime. In your user account, you can see system messages from all the merchant accounts that you have access to. Each system message specifies the merchant account that it applies to.

You can subscribe to get system messages by email so you don't have to log in to the Customer Area to get these important updates.

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Open your Notification settings
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