Why can’t I make a refund?
Possible reasons you can’t make a refund
Is the refund button unavailable, or you can’t make a refund? This can happen for one of the following reasons.
- Your user role doesn’t have refund rights. Reach out to your admin user. They can assign you the Merchant manage payments role, which lets you make refunds.
- The payment method doesn’t support refunds. See an overview of our payment methods.
- There is an active dispute issued upon it. The refund will be blocked within the Customer Area because a refund and a chargeback would result in a double debit to your account. To prevent this, Adyen blocks the refund.
- A refund isn’t yet possible. A payment must be captured and in SentForSettle or Settled status before a refund is possible. Read more on payment statuses.
- The bank account details aren’t valid. This can happen with some online banking methods like Sofort. Check the IBAN versus the issuerCountry for mismatches.
- You reached the refund limit for this payment method.
- If your transaction received the RefundFailed status, read why your refund failed.
- You have an insufficient refund balance.
Tip: If none of the preceding apply to you, and you still can’t make a refund, reach out to Support.
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